Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs) are pivotal documents for the planning and operation of chemical plants. In today’s engineering tools, P&IDs are not just drawings – they are intelligent documents with valuable information for all stakeholders.
The downside is that P&IDs are often locked in some CAE tool, and data exchange with other tools is tedious. Thus, users from the chemical and petrochemical industry, software vendors and academic partners have founded the DEXPI Initiative. DEXPI has defined an information model and exchange format for P&IDs. DEXPI covers both the graphical appearance of a P&ID and the underlying engineering information, including equipment types and properties, piping topology, and instrumentation. A growing number of software vendors support DEXPI in their tools.
PID Verificator 1.0.1 for DEXPI 1.3
The PID Verificator 1.0.1 for DEXPI 1.3 is a tool to check the compliance of DEXPI files (Proteus XML) with the specification. It comes with a GUI that shows the P&ID graphics, the underlying conceptual model, a list of verification messages, and the Proteus XML source code in an integrated view.
By downloading the tool, you accept the license agreement.
pnb Toolbox Library
DEXPI - the easy way
The pnb Toolbox Library is a software library that provides a complete implementation of the DEXPI information model including graphics. The library is designed to be used by tools that offer P&ID-related functions, in particular the export and import of DEXPI P&IDs.
The pnb Toolbox Library provides import and export functions for Proteus XML, the standard exchange format for DEXPI P&IDs. Further graphical formats such as SVG and PDF can also be exported. Both C++ and .NET versions of the library are available. Further language bindings are in development.
A typical use case of the pnb Toolbox Library is the implementation of DEXPI export and import functions in existing P&ID tools. Software vendors using the library only need to map their internal models to the DEXPI information model – and are free from any hassle with Proteus XML and ISO 15926 RDL references. A further benefit for software vendors is that their investment in DEXPI interfaces will be future proof in case DEXPI switches to another data format.
Contact us to learn more about the pnb Toolbox Library and our services to make DEXPI work for you!